The consumer is always right, so always be right about the consumer...

Welcome to this eBook from PRWeek, sponsored by NetBase Quid. Access it now for exclusive data that will reveal, based on PR pros’ own feedback, where the industry stands on its ability to collect, analyze, and implement consumer intelligence, where it needs to get to, and how to do so.

YOUR BRAND’S SUCCESS. There is no bigger factor in it than customers – both existing and potential ones. And while avenues to get feedback from them are more plentiful than ever, that volume of input is just a part of the equation. Brand leaders must know what to prioritize, where to get the most relevant feedback and how to act on it once collected and analyzed.

This has always been among the most important functions of the comms pro, perhaps never more so than right now with consumer expectations constantly evolving amidst one of the most turbulent periods in our country’s – our world’s – history.

Enter this eBook, Consumer Intelligence: Listen and learn, presented by NetBase Quid in partnership with PRWeek.

On these pages, we drill deep into the customer-brand relationship, one that starts long before and goes far beyond the point of purchase. One that only truly works if the latter is always listening and learning from the former.

This eBook is a guide for every PR pro who relies on consumer intelligence, so it’s a guide for EVERY PR PRO.

On these pages you will find data, insights and counsel on:

•Emotional intelligence – how consumers FEEL about brands

•Influencers – the ones who most impact consumer behavior

•Platforms – the channels (both new and “traditional”) from which to glean the most meaningful intelligence

•The impact of COVID-19 on consumer sentiment and expectations

•The importance of competitive intelligence

•And much more

Expert counsel. Powerful data. This eBook contains both in abundance. And much of it is broken out by organization types and specific industry sectors to provide even more in-depth analysis.

It’s vital for brands to be there with these key stakeholders at every stage of the consumer journey. This eBook is a guide to ensuring you are well equipped to succeed at every step of the consumer-intelligence process.

Access this eBook today!

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